Our Journey
Kitchensinksongs.com is dedicated to providing authentic photos and experiences for readers interested in Travel, Home, Food, Crafts, and Music.
All photos are copyrighted and our own, including the photos on this page from London on a stormy summer day, the Eiffel Tower, Resurrection Bay in Alaska, Smorgasburg in NYC, an Italian coastal town, a building in Riga, Latvia, a house in Kilkenny, Ireland, Tallin, Estonia, and Venice.
Join us for newsletters and updates as we post our journeys, share our favorites, and provide product information. Enjoy!
Exciting Journeys
About KitchenSinkSongs.com
Kitchensinksongs.com was born out of hundreds of travel experiences, living abroad, a love of food, crafting from necessity and enjoyment, a $200,000 home renovation, and multiple degrees in music.
Join us as we explore Home, Travel, Crafts, Food, and Music at home and around the world.